
Elevate your organisation with Digital Age Networking

Digital age technologies take organisations into the new digital era with a network foundation that delivers the services needed to grow your business.

The Solution

Digital Age Networking Overview

Digital Age Networking in Industries

ALE Digital Age Networking delivers solutions that address the needs of healthcare, hospitality, education, transportation and government providers.

  • Healthcare
  • Hospitality
  • Education
  • Transportation
  • Government

Digital Age Networking in healthcare: Optimize the patient care pathway and improve staff efficiency through innovative network services such as wayfinding and medical asset tracking, which run on top of a reliable, secure and high-performance Wi-Fi infrastructure.

Digital Age Networking in hospitality: Improve staff efficiency, simplify IT operations and help management achieve maximum occupancy. It delivers comprehensive mobility as well as the latest in-room automation services to ensure a memorable guest experience. In addition, hoteliers can increase revenue, and support competitive differentiation while maintaining a low total cost of ownership (TCO).

Digital Age Networking in education: Optimize campus operations by enabling IoT systems, simplifying staff activities, and reducing the overall cost per student. It can also help improve school and campus security.

Digital Age Networking in transportation: Provides a foundation for operators to digitally transform, without restriction, and enables a mission-critical network to support advanced services. It allows them to easily and securely connect IoT devices, and it provides the information operators need to deliver the next level experience that passengers deserve.

Digital Age Networking in government: Government certified solutions enabling organizations to deploy secure and resilient network infrastructures. It enables government entities to deliver the next level experience that citizens and employees demand.

The OmniSwitch switches are the part of the brain that makes us work. All our ALE switches are vital in all the connections and delivering services across our network. ALE provides a great piece of equipment. My engineers say they like the simplicity of it and most importantly, the support they get.
Mel Poole, Director of

Customer Benefits

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Digital Age Networking

A holistic approach to risk, resilience and security

A risk, resilience, security framework focused on citizens, operations, smart buildings and processes address today’s risks.

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Digital Age Networking in Enterprises

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