Wellness TechGroup
At WellnessTechGroup main area of expertise is in developing large-scale turnkey projects that combine different IoT solutions. They are a manufacturer of both hardware and software with more than 10 years of experience.
Wellness TechGroup is a high-value technology company with 11 years of experience in the development and implementation of IoT solutions, cybersecurity, Big Data, and artificial intelligence.
They use their Smart technology to tackle the challenges faced by cities, regions, public service industries, and businesses, and their products are currently implemented in more than 400 cities and 60 countries around the world.
Wellness TechGroup specializes in large scale, multi-vertical projects that include the design, implementation, and operation of integral solutions, including Safe Cities, Clean & Efficient Cities, Smart Destinations, and Connected Industry.
Their solutions ecosystem is wide and versatile. This allows you to offer the most suitable solution for every client and adapt it to their specific requirements.
What makes Wellness TechGroup uniquely valuable to the customer is the fact that they are a software and hardware manufacturer with key technical skills and global view of all layers in the solution. They offer the entire solution: sensor, communications, cloud services and platform. Years of experience in this field make Wellness TechGroup a great connoisseur and partner when it comes to the implementation of IoT solutions. They would highlight their versatility and ability to adapt to any scenario, measurement environment ...Another point to highlight is there after-sales service that our clients value highly
The market tackle is the Smart Cities Market and their customers habitually are cities and utilities. They go into a new market through local partners that has a vast knowledge of the market itself and the main players in the area. These partners usually add value or complement to our solution such us services providers (communications, for instance), integrators or asset manufacturers.
WeLight, Smart Lighting System
WeLight Smart Lighting system was developed to improve the quality and efficiency of public lighting for enhanced service and a better user experience. Integrating new technologies in the public lighting infrastructure has the potential to generate savings, optimize processes, and facilitate improved decision making. It establishes a base for the implementation of a smart digital platform to manage other city services, a step towards becoming a Smart City.
WeLight monitors and controls the public lighting infrastructure, detecting irregularities in consumption or operational malfunctions, as well as compiling consumption and savings reports. The system helps managers to prepare inventories and carry out both preventative and corrective maintenance. This solution not only guarantees energy efficiency but is also key for public and traffic safety.
WeLight solution is pioneer in its field. WeLight has been working in commercial projects since 2010. Currently more than 1MM of luminaires around the world are been controlling with WeLight Technology and giving excellent service to millions of people taking care of their well-being and safety.
Improved Management:
- Detects malfunctions in public lighting in real time, improving response time and service.
- Reduces operating costs.
- Controls and reduces energy consumption
- Lighting comfort.
Integration and Scalability:
- Compatible with multiple technologies and manufacturers, such as LEDs and conventional lamps.
- Customizable modular platform.
- Compatible with existing information systems.
- Compatible with point-to-point systems and cable anti-theft systems.
- Adapts existing lighting infrastructure to the Smart City network.
- Uses standard technologies like LoRaWAN.
- Allows for changes in color profiles, intensity and temperature.
- Adaptive lighting.
- Ensures public safety by integrating with other smart elements and indicating evacuation routes.
- Enhances both the resident and tourist experience.
- Different switch on/off luminaire control: remote or automatic management by astronomical clock or photocell.
- Available with most used dimming control: DALI protocol and/or 1-10V signals. Soon available with DALI-2 protocol, which enables data acquisition and point to point control up to 8 luminaires or sensors.
- Equipped with relay output and Real time clock for controlling luminaire’s ON/OFF and activating the preset lighting Schedule.
- Network analyzer included in some models to measure the electrical parameters of each luminaire: voltage, current, energy, power factor, active and reactive power.
- Some models will be available with analogic and digital inputs for data acquisition of external sensors, like present or activity sensors, traffic counting detector, environmental devices…
- Plug-and play installation for luminaires compatible with the most extended standard socket of the market.
- Safety mode implemented: luminaires will be always switch on in case of fault. Integrated temperature sensor to detect and prevent defects or failures.
- Artificial intelligence algorithms inside that generates real-time alarms and identify abnormal functioning.
- Remote firmware updated possible for some network technologies.
- Lamp accurate location through board integrated GPS (only available in some models).
- New and extended LPWAN wireless technologies to adapt to different scenarios. They include different mechanism that improve the signal broadcasting. Hence, the connected devices can reach higher communication ranges with low power consumption and better deep indoor penetration. These LPWAN can operate in local, national or global networks.
WeLight is a flexible modular solution with multiple configuration and distribution options using a software as a service (SaaS) or licensing model. In short, WeLight Smart Lighting offers reliable alerts for critical real-time decision making, allowing cities to react quickly to irregularities.
Quamtra, Smart Waste Management Solution
Nowadays collection of trash is based on a scheduled route, but this can cause unnecessary costs and utilization of equipment. Which in the end can have negative effects on the environment? Many times, containers that are nearly empty are collected during the routinely routes while ones that are overflowing may not be even cleaned that day.
Solution “Quamtra” allows the city to know the level of waste within a container. Quamtra helps optimize routes and time by constantly monitoring the level of waste within each container, sending the information to the program that notifies us which containers need to be picked up.
Quamtra Smart Waste Management is the ideal solution for cities looking to adapt the collection of solid urban waste to meet residents’ needs. The solution moves municipalities away from a reactive, static collection model based on historical values towards a more proactive and innovative method. Quamtra measures and transmits the status or fill level of each garbage bin, allowing for more efficient planning by only collecting full or nearly full bins.
Wellness’ expertise, their knowledge and their background working with more than 35 types of containers, in different settings ... make Wellness unique as partners in any waste management project. Their tool and product offers a very wide and precise degree of parameterization. One of the characteristics that differentiates us the most is that we have the knowledge for the optimal exploitation of that information collected from sensors or any kind of related data. . Lastly, they would highlight their versatility and ability to adapt to any scenario, measurement environment ...
Efficient City:
- The allocation of resources to meet the evolving needs of citizens.
- Optimal collection routes planned in advance.
- Improved responsiveness to unexpected seasonal variations.
Economic Savings:
- A reduction in the operating costs associated with collection.
- Lowered costs of preventative and corrective maintenance on collection trucks.
- A decrease in costs from civil liability.
- A reduction in gas emissions into the atmosphere.
- Traffic decongestion.
- Cleaner cities.
- Cleaner streets and sidewalks.
- Less need for street cleaning services.
An involved and committed city:
- Happier citizens more satisfied with city management.
- The empowerment of collection workers through more efficient work.
- Increased involvement of citizens in the maintenance of a clean city.
- They have been deployed to sense and monitor all types of materials, from solid to liquid: water, textiles, glass, waste oil, lubricants… However, these devices are far beyond than a simple level sensor: the ultrasonic level detector enables to know the fill-level of the tank in real-time; GPS mounted provides its location; temperature and motion sensors detect any vandalistic evidence, such as fire, shaking, beating or unexpected movement.
- Manufactured in Polyamide with IP67 certification enclosure rating, these sensors have been designed to withstand blows and the worst thermal situations. Easy installation by rivets or self-tapping screws.
- High quality lithium battery cell with more than 10 years’ lifetime. Memory inside with capacity of 12 records that can be extracted in case of fault.
- Can be connected to most advanced and extended IOT or cellular networks. These technologies include different mechanism that improve the signal broadcasting. Hence, the connected devices can reach higher communication ranges with low power consumption and better deep indoor penetration. Payload and network communication are encrypted on different levels to avoid hacking attacks.
- The use of this devices in Waste collection management enables to dynamically route your fleets, optimize routes, detailed KPI reports, decrease vandalism incidents, and improve business save strategy through our cloud-base monitoring and data analytics platform Quamtra Manager. The solution is currently tested and compatible with most network server in market.
More details and pictures of the WeLight and Quamtra solutions
Website: https://wellnesstg.com/en/iot/actis/
Datasheet: https://wellnesstg.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Datasheet_ActisPlusN7_LoRaWAN_-ENG.pdf
ALE - Wellness Joint offering for Smart City solution
Smart City Solution
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise announce new Smart City solution - Converged solution for smart lighting, waste management and video surveillance;
The partners include Multitech, a leader in industrial wireless IoT solutions, Wellness TechGroup, a global leader in design, development and integration of smart city applications, Moonoff, a leader in smart lighting devices, and Axis Communications, a global leader in smart IP video devices for people and property protection.
The smart lighting, waste management and video surveillance use cases are built using Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise’s network fabric, specialized hardened switch, and Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Rainbow™ Workflow for automation. The solution uses the market-leading IoT gateway from MultiTech and leverages smart city applications from the Wellness TechGroup, smart light by Moonof and IPTV by Axis Communications.
Ecosystem Overview
For more information go to ALE page: Connected cities solutions
Please consulte the pages of DSPP partners included in ALE 's Smart City solution:
Axis Communications