a group of people walking on a brick walkway with a fountain in the background

Town of Foxborough

Employees keep town services up while working from home during health crisis using cloud-based collaboration, meeting and Unified Communications tool.

  • Country: United States Of America
  • Industry: Government
  • Solution: Rainbow, Digital Dividends

The Town of Foxborough is a suburban area near Boston, Massachusetts serving 17,000 residents, along with Gillette Stadium, a large arena for concerts and the local National Football League team.

At the onset of the 2020 global health crisis, the Town of Foxborough was met with the challenge of keeping its community informed while enabling nearly 200 employees to keep the town and services operational, even when working from home.

Rainbow lets our employees work from home, helps keep us productive, and assures we never miss a call from a resident. During meetings we can exchange information and get decisions made without missing a beat.
Christina Metcalf, Community Information Specialist, Town of Foxborough




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