a bedroom with a large window

Experiência do Hóspede

Reconecte-se com os seus hóspedes para oferecer segurança e excelência em todo lugar. A ALE guest experience coloca os hóspedes no centro das suas operações

Jeju Shinhwa World Resort planeja continuar a melhorar seu sistema, para se tornar um hotel inteligente de classe mundial que ofereça o melhor serviço personalizado. Para melhorar os serviços aos hóspedes, planejamos atualizar o sistema para maximizar a interação digital e para suportar serviços personalizados
Lee Jongrae, Vice-Presidente de TI, Landing Jeju Development Co. Ltd Jeju Shinhwa World

Benefícios Para o Cliente

Digital Age Networks For Casinos


  • The Winery Hotel Customer Video
  • Jeju Shinhwa World Customer Video
  • Rainbow Guest Connect video
  • Digital Age Networks For Casinos

Visite nosso Blog

a group of people standing together

Hospitality adapts to succeed in the new normal

Marred by unprecedented disruption, the hospitality industry is now adapting to reap the rewards of the new normal.

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Redesigning your guests’ journey

Digital hospitality solutions can enable a safe, efficient, contactless guest experience as the industry navigates the post-pandemic world.

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Hospitality reduces employee contact, improves operations

Digital hospitality solutions are key to minimize face-to-face contact to deliver back-of-house services.

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Hospitality 2020: A safer environment with improved security

Technology can deliver a safe and secure environment for travelers, guests, and employees and help reinvigorate the hospitality industry.

Documentos de Apoio

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  • Em inglês

Produtos Relacionados

Rainbow Guest Connect

Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Rainbow™ Guest Connect helps hotels engage with guests and propose services on mobile devices. The guest uses a smartphone provided by the hotel, on which the Rainbow Guest Connect application is installed.

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