
Soluções de Comunicação na Nuvem

As comunicações baseadas na nuvem melhoram a colaboração em toda a empresa e permitem que você opere de maneira flexível, segura e econômica.

A Solução

80% das pessoas entrevistadas pela McKinsey disseram que gostavam de trabalhar em casa e 41% disseram que são mais produtivas.
McKinsey, Repensando o escritório e a vida profissional após a COVID-19

Benefícios Para o Cliente


  • Digital Age Communications Explained
  • Connect Everything
  • Any Cloud
  • The New Digital Workplace

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A group of people looking at a laptop.

Students play a key role in driving innovation

Today’s college and university students’ fresh ideas contribute to the innovative, leading-edging technologies of the future.

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Digital Age Communications

Navigating Digital Age Communications in the new normal

Today the question is not ’if’ but rather ‘when and how’ digital age communications should be implemented in the global enterprise operational model.

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Rainbow Office powered by RingCentral

Cloud platforms enabled businesses during lockdowns

The fact that businesses could maintain activities during lockdown due to cloud platforms demonstrates the importance of future-proofing infrastructure.

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Data sovereignty and security reign in the new work world

The new work world is bringing the need for data sovereignty and security to the forefront, as businesses shift to the cloud to enable people to work from anywhere.

e-Book "A oportunidade de mudança"

A capacidade de adaptação é fundamental para a sobrevivência. Pense no futuro e prepare-se com um plano de longo prazo.

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